Trading can be very lucrative at times and then at other times, can seem like no profit can be made. Being a trend follower, you have to understand that markets will trend and then slow, trend then slow, trend then slow, and you get the picture.
In the real world, a trader's account does not just continuously profit day after day, week after week, month after month, no matter what Bernard Madoff tries to tell you. Just look how unrealistic that is.
Other web sites, books, professionals, use a similar but more believable path to trading success like this.
Sometimes a trader does indeed experience this type of success at times but it's not indicative of the long term. It just tells part of the story, the story that we all want to believe in. The reality though is, for all long term successful traders, their path to success looks similar to this.
While admittedly not as sexy, the good news is the line is still traveling upward, just at a much lower angle. As a trader your job is to do the same thing over and over again (providing you have a profitable system) and the profits will take care of themselves...And just like a hot air balloon, in the beginning, it will take more energy to experience lift and the rate of ascension will be slow. As you go higher, lift/growth becomes easier and as the wind blows your balloon sideways or slightly down, once everything clears, your balloon will once again rise. But the nice thing about trading is, there is no ceiling, no atmosphere to keep you in, and no outer space to eventually end your days as you know them. So the take away here is growth is slower than one expects in the long term even though there are times of tremendous movement in the short term. Just be "realistic" in that you understand the big picture so you don't freak out in frustration when things are not moving as fast as you want them.
Personally, when I first started to do pretty well, I was freaking out when my account didn't profit anything for 2 whole months. I wasn't losing money but wasn't making much. Then I looked at what I started with and realized in the last three months, my account had grown by +80%. Not many traders could claim that but at the time, I was stuck on the last two months, cranky that I didn't make any money. Well that's the world of trading. When things slow, sometimes there is nothing you can do but to hang in there and keep taking trades knowing the big trades are around the corner once the trend resumes, you just don't know when.
Funny thing is, soon after, in one week that same account grew by over +248%. I used the same system all along but the only difference was the market started to really move and I was there to capitalize.
One trade at a time, while viewing the big picture, you will get there. Just understand it may not happen as fast or when you think it will.